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The Story Behind Yarchagumba


The Process
Handcrafted Sustainable Luxury

The preparation of Yarchagumba involves a complex and lengthy process.The process usually requires a high level of skills and expertise in medicinal herbs and leveraging state of the art technology. This is the first of it’s kind beverage, sourced and manufactured in Nepal.
Unique herbs that grow over 3000 metres in the high altitude of Nepal are hand picked, dried and ground to make an extract which is then mixed with water and alcohol and fermented. Our Yarchagumba beverage is a handcrafted product that goes through a lengthy process of extracting the good properties of the high altitude herbs into our beverage.

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Yarchagumba – Biological Gold

Cordyceps Sinensis commonly known as the “Caterpillar Fungus.”  In Nepal, the best place to harvest Cordyceps Sinensis is Dolpa, a remote district in western Nepal. The high steep valleys and the dry climate of Dolpa make it one of the foremost areas to collect high quality Yarchagumba when compared to other places in the Himalayan region.

With the Latin name, Cordyceps Sinensis, Yarchagumba, is also called “winter worm” and “summer grass”. Ancient texts call this a “faultless treasure” which removes “Prana diseases” and is a “marvelous medicine”. It is believed to have medicinal benefits for respiratory illnesses like asthma and bronchitis. Yarchagumba is known to enhance Oxygen utilization and cellular oxygen uptake, improving the respiratory function for better energy levels.

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Locally in Nepal, harvesters get the equivalent of about USD$18 per gram (a single dried specimen weighs less than half a gram). But by the time Yarsagumba is sold in China, the major international trade destination, it’s worth as much as $100 per gram. Gram for gram, that makes it more expensive than gold. The global market value has been assessed at between $5 and $11 billion.

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Tracing Yarchagumba Roots

  • Cordyceps Sinensis was discovered about 1500 years ago in Tibet by nomadic Herdsmen.

  • The first Chinese emperor used this medicinal herb as a tonic for longer life.

  • It is believed that many Chinese athletes consumed these herbs regularly and held many world records.

Story of Yarchagumba: News & Updates
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